easyfind - Login Filling in 'Email' is mandatory.Please enter a valid email address Filling in 'Password' is mandatory. I would like to open an easyfind account. I have forgotten my password. Registration Please enter your data in order to open an easyfind account: Salutation* Ms. Mr. Filling in 'Salutation' is mandatory. Filling in 'First name' is mandatory. Filling in 'Surname' is mandatory. Filling in 'Street' is mandatory. Filling in 'House number' is mandatory. Filling in 'Postcode' is mandatory. Filling in 'City' is mandatory. Country* Austria France Germany Liechtenstein Switzerland Filling in 'Country' is mandatory. Please enter a valid mobile phone number. Filling in 'Email' is mandatory.Please enter a valid email address This username is already assigned. If you have forgotten your password you can request a new one here. Filling in 'Password' is mandatory. Please enter a new password with at least 6 characters. Please enter the password again. Please enter 2 identical passwords I consent to easyfind storing my personal data and making it available to participating lost property services in the event one of my labeled items is found. My personal details will be communicated and used exclusively for this purpose. I can withdraw my consent at any time by deleting my registration in the "my easyfind" customer area. Please agree to the easyfind conditions. Please check whether your entered data is complete.